Resep Oxtails Soup (Soup Buntut). Please Like Or Comment This Video & Please Subscribe My Channel. Thank you for watching 😊. #chacha. Indonesian famous sop buntut (oxtail soup) that tastes as good as the one you find in some of the best Indonesian restaurants.
How To Make Pressure Cooker Oxtail Soup (Recipe) オックステールスープの作り方 (圧力鍋) (レシピ).
Oxtail soup is comfort food to feed your soul.
This is Indonesian version, served with vegetables and rich but clear beef broth.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, teman-teman dapat membuat Resep Oxtails Soup (Soup Buntut) hanya dengan menggunakan 17 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Resep Oxtails Soup (Soup Buntut)!
Bahan-bahan Resep Oxtails Soup (Soup Buntut)
- Sediakan 1 kg of Oxtails/buntut.
- Siapkan 1 sdt of Lada.
- Diperlukan 2 biji of Star anise/bunga lawang.
- Gunakan 5 butir of Cengkeh.
- Diperlukan 2 lembar of Salam.
- Siapkan of Bawang putih 6 buah bisa Di geprek atau Di tumis.
- Gunakan 1 batang of Kayumanis.
- Diperlukan 1 buah of Bawang bombay 1 buah (potong 4).
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of Pala.
- Dibutuhkan 4 butir of Kapulaga.
- Diperlukan of Wortel.
- Gunakan of Kentang.
- Sediakan of Daun bawang.
- Gunakan of Seledri.
- Gunakan of Tomat.
- Sediakan of Jeruk nipis.
- Dibutuhkan of Himalaya salt.
Oxtail soup is one of popular dish in Asian, one of them is Indonesia. We called it "sop buntut" in Indonesia. Oxtail and vegetables are simmered for hours into a deeply comforting soup with complex flavors in this recipe for Indonesian Sop Buntot. Reviews for: Photos of Sop Buntot (Indonesian Oxtail Soup).
Cara memasak Resep Oxtails Soup (Soup Buntut)
- Rebus oxtail hingga mendidih, buang rebusan pertama dan bilas. Rebus kembali masukan cengkeh, Kapulaga, Daun Salam, kayu manis, bunga lawang, lada, bawang putih.
- Masak sampai oxtails empuk.
- Masukan kentang, wortel, bawang bombay. Masak hingga empuk.
- Matikan kompor dan masukan Daun bawang, Seledri Tomat dan himalaya salt..
- Untuk sambal, rebus bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe hingga empuk lalu blender / ulek, kasih himalaya salt..
Sop Buntut - Oxtail Soup -. Oxtail soup is made with beef tails. The use of the word "ox" in this context is a legacy of nomenclature; no specialized stock of beef animals are used and tails may come from bovines other than oxen. Buntut in Indonesian language means Tail, hence the name just like in English…Sop Buntut. I love the tenderness of the oxtail after being cooked for such long hours and the spice-rich tasting soup.