GADO-GADO. Gado Gado is one of Indonesia's favourite dishes of mixed vegetables with peanut sauce, tempeh, tofu boiled egg, boiled potato and topped with crackers. I'm very excited to introduce you to another The other day, I followed the recipe and made delicious gado-gado. I'm always happy to learn a new.
A popular street dish in Indonesia, gado gado ("mix-mix") is just the thing to shake up your weeknight routine.
Hard-cooked eggs, toasted tofu, bean sprouts, and vegetables come together with drizzles of.
Gado-gado is one of Indonesia's most favourite dish everywhere in the world.
Teman-teman dapat memasak GADO-GADO hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep GADO-GADO!
Bahan-bahan GADO-GADO
- Sediakan 10 bj of Lontong.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 kg of Kacang Tanah di goreng.
- Dibutuhkan 200 gr of gula merah di cairkan.
- Siapkan 2 sdt of Petis (larutkan dengan air panas).
- Sediakan 2 siung of bawang putih iris tipis goreng.
- Diperlukan 1 Batang of tempe.
- Sediakan 10 buah of Tahu.
- Gunakan 6 Biji of Telur Ayam rebus.
- Sediakan of Toge/kecambah.
- Gunakan of Jagung Manis.
- Sediakan 2 Buah of timun.
- Sediakan of Bahan pelengkap " Bawang Merah Goreng sebagai taburan.
- Sediakan of Kerupuk Goreng.
It is actually vegetable salad dressed in specially prepared peanut sauce. In Indonesia, there are a few dish that resemble gado-gado (with the same kind, or a variation of peanut sauce), such as pecel, lotek, and ketoprak. It's a variation of the classic Indonesia Gado Gado, with a creamy peanut sauce. And yes indeed, there are sun-dried tomatoes in this stir-fry dish, which may seem strange, or at least I thought so when I.
Langkah-langkah membuat GADO-GADO
- Goreng Kacang, ulek dengan bawang putih goreng sampai halus. Setelah halus kasih air gula dan air petis kasih aduk sampai tercampur rata dan kasih sedikit air hangat dan kasih garam cek rasa..
- Goreng Tempe dan tahu, dan rebus juga semua sayur jagung dan toge..
- Setelah semuanya siap sajikan di piring...Siram lontong dan sayur dengan sambel kacang yg sudah dihaluskan. Taburkan di atas sambel kacang dengan bawang goreng, dan kasih potongan telur rebus dan kerupuk..
- Gado2 siap di nikmati...semoga bermanfaat selamat mencoba..
Gado gado is absolutely one of my favorite Indonesian salad. Gado Gado is an online retailer specializing in hand crafted Indonesian furniture, Balinese Furniture, Art and Home Decor, all created by traditional artisans. Bali style, carved, rustic, primitive, tribal. Like many Malay dishes, this is over the top and addictive. The recipe is my friend Helen Goh's.