Gado-gado (salad jowo). Aisha Nanor Martin's spicy Indonesian salad has it all; crunchy vegetables, boiled eggs, chilli peanut sauce, fresh coriander, fried tofu and a sprinkling of prawn crackers for added crunch. Fun fact - Gado Gado means "Mix mix", which is exactly what this dish is about! The key is in the making of the peanut sauce - combining dried chilli, shallots, lemongrass, balacan, coconut milk and a lot more, it's not surprising that the taste is flavorful and fragrant.
We loved Gado-Gado which is Indonesian but the Malay love it also and it is seen on many restaurant menus throughout the country.
I love Gado-Gado and this is a very good recipe.
I sometimes put the salad on a bed of Watrecress (when available) Thanks Carol.
Kalian dapat membuat Gado-gado (salad jowo) hanya dengan menggunakan 18 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Gado-gado (salad jowo)!
Bahan Gado-gado (salad jowo)
- Sediakan of Taoge/kecambah.
- Siapkan of Kacang panjang.
- Siapkan of Sawi putih.
- Diperlukan of Selada.
- Siapkan of Timun.
- Gunakan of Telur.
- Gunakan of Kentang.
- Dibutuhkan of Tomat.
- Siapkan of Lontong (beli jadi).
- Dibutuhkan of Tahu dan tempe goreng.
- Gunakan of BAHAN SAUS/BUMBU:.
- Diperlukan 200 gr of Kacang tanah digoreng.
- Sediakan 4 of bawang putih.
- Siapkan 3 of Lombok merah.
- Diperlukan 1 buah of kentang dikukus.
- Sediakan 1 batok of gula merah.
- Dibutuhkan of Santan.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya of Garam dan kaldu jamur.
A popular street dish in Indonesia, gado gado ("mix-mix") is just the thing to shake up your weeknight routine. Hard-cooked eggs, toasted tofu, bean sprouts, and vegetables come together with drizzles of spicy, habit-forming peanut sauce. Gado gado is a popular salad in Indonesia with a number of regional variations. At its base, gado gado is a mixed salad of cooked and raw vegetables, topped or tossed with a peanut sauce.
Cara memasak Gado-gado (salad jowo)
- Rebus semua sayur terkecuali selada dan tomat.
- Carbut saus/bumbu :Lombok merah,bawang putih direbus terlebih dahulu.
- Kentang di kukus/direbus.
- Campur jadi satu semua bahan bumbu saus,kalo saya blender dikasih santan sesuaikan kekentalannya.
- Disajikan sesuai selera bunda.
Haz clic ahora para jugar a Gado gado salad. Disfruta de los mejores juegos relacionados con Gado-gado is part of a wide range of Indonesian dressing & salad combinations, along with lotek, pecel and karedok. Gado gado is absolutely one of my favorite Indonesian salad. The salad is usually built on mainly cooked vegetables, though sometimes there's a mixture of raw The gado gado is then served with delicious and creamy gado gado sauce and toppings like prawn crackers and emping crackers. Indonesian gado gado is a mixure of steamed and fresh vegetables with proteins and a deliciously creamy peanut sauce topping.